7 Hiring Trends to Watch for in 2017

2017 is nearly upon us, which means another New Year marked by new trends. The world of hiring will not be immune to change. As the United States economy continues to grow and technology rapidly adapts and evolves, hiring will see a few marked shifts take place. Below, we have compiled seven of the biggest Read more about 7 Hiring Trends to Watch for in 2017[…]

For sales candidates, treat the interview process as a sales cycle

It’s often said that hiring sales professionals may be the toughest, most abstract hire a company can make.  There are so many intangibles to consider for a sales hire:  will the candidate ramp up on product/service knowledge quickly enough to make an impact?  Will they be motivated by management to pound the pavement?  Will marketing supply enough quality leads?  Will prospects respond to their unique approach in our unique industry?

There are countless online personality profiling assessments available; few sales managers I’ve spoken with over the years have had much success.  It’s a “roll of the dice”, as they often say, and odds are, only 2 out of 10 sales hires will actually stick. […]

Avoiding “Offer Rejection”

Enough years in the recruiting business and enough missed placement opportunities by mishandling the offer scenario has taught me to be patient making job offers. In a tight market for talent, companies want to move top candidates through the hiring process quickly and try to lock the candidate down before competitors do. But first in Read more about Avoiding “Offer Rejection”[…]