Employer Branding and Purple Cows

Companies serious about upgrading their employer brand and employer branding strategies generally start with reputation sites like Glassdoor and Indeed, and rightfully so, seeing as those sites aggregate reviews and ratings that generate a star ranking, much like a restaurant, on the desirability of your firm for prospective employees. But what if you want to Read more about Employer Branding and Purple Cows[…]

Your Social Media Policy should also be your Social Policy

In this age of social media, organizations of all sizes are starting to think very carefully about how to approach social media as it relates to their employees, both in how their employees represent the company brand through their personal channels, and how they represent themselves as it relates to the company.

There’s a fine line between controlling your company brand and giving employee’s freedom to express themselves, but it’s a line company leaders need to consider and pay attention to.  And it’s not just what employees tweet, post on Facebook or upload to Instagram that matters.  What your employees do in both the physical and digital worlds says a lot about your company, whether you like it or not. […]

Referral Programs — Not Just for Employees

Today I received an email from Brittany at SoftwareAdvice, a great company that we’ve known about over the years as a trusted resource for customers seeking to navigate the options of vertically-specific software vendors in the HR market.  Simply put, they sell very high-value leads to select software vendors, which they acquire by offering extremely thorough insight Read more about Referral Programs — Not Just for Employees[…]